T e n d e r
The most comprehensive source of Tenders

Since 2013

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About Us.

Since 2013

Tender is an online platform that provides business opportunities and information solutions to domestic and international companies, It contains a database of all bids from 2013 till present in all fields and from all government, private and international sectors and is updated on a daily basis so that you can browse all bids.


In Office




Countries around the world

invitation for bid

invitation  for tender

request for proposal

prequalification  notice

expression  of interest

request  for application

prior  information notice

investment  opportunity


call  for concept

Main directions


Map of Western Union Locations

Franchise International Partnerships

" Tender" is a renowned brand in the " e-Procurement Services " sector, known for " The 1st and most comprehensive source of tenders in Jordan ". With our proven business model and a track record of success, we are now expanding our operations through strategic franchise partnerships.


Franchise Benfites


Established Brand and Reputation

As a franchisee of [Tender], you will benefit from our established brand recognition and reputation as a leader in the procurement industry. This will provide you with a competitive advantage when attracting clients and building trust within your territory.


Comprehensive Training and Support

We will provide you with thorough training on our proprietary software, business processes, and sales strategies to ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills to operate your franchise successfully. Ongoing support will also be provided to address any questions or challenges you may encounter.


Website and App Support

The Service Provider agrees to provide technical support services for the website, including but not limited to:

• Website maintenance and updates
• Bug fixes and error resolution
• Server and hosting
• Security monitoring and protection
• Performance optimization


Proven Business Model

Our franchise model has been refined and tested, ensuring that you have access to a well-structured and efficient system for running your Procurement Alert Services franchise. This includes lead generation methods, customer acquisition strategies, and best practices for client retention.



As a franchisee, you will be granted an exclusive country within which you can operate your Procurement Alert Services franchise. This ensures that you have the opportunity to capture the maximum potential market share in your area.


Confidentiality and Intellectual Property

Franchisee shall maintain the confidentiality of Franchisor's trade secrets, proprietary information, and intellectual property. Franchisee shall only use the licensed trademarks, logos, and brand assets as authorized by Franchisor.

Since 2013

"We have achieved a lot and we have much more
to do in the next ten years"

Since 2013 tender jo is seeking to built stone foundations of creativity and innovation, many years past since that in order to create distinguish services to our clients in the Middle East.

Market Size

GCC-Construction Market Size, Trends and Forecasts by Sector Commercial, Industrial, Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities, Institutional and Residential Market Analysis, 2021-2026.